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New Year sees advanced preparations for new, state of the art construction training academy.

New Year sees advanced preparations for new, state of the art construction training academy.

With offices in Surrey and Kent this thriving business, recognised as one of the fastest growing businesses in the sector, seeks to make a significant impact on the skills shortage in the region by opening its own training academy. Providing 1,000 training places and delivering industry approved training to NVQ level, the organisation is taking direct action to address what it sees as a debilitating shortage of trained workers in groundworks and civil engineering roles.

Recognising the dual challenges of Brexit on the workforce and the debilitating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, Workforce Development Director for OHOB, Martyn Price, MBE, stated ‘At OHOB we have long recognised the need to ensure the industry has enough talent coming through to keep up with demand. Shortages of workers and, in certain cases a shortfall in training and learning provision created a way of thinking for the company that has, ultimately seen us planning to open our own facility’.

The Workforce Development Director and Chair of the CCATF went to on to say “by developing this training facility, OHOB is able to impact directly on its own workforce requirements as well as, moving forward, being able to develop a more inclusive and holistic offer into the wider construction sector’.

Speaking of the academy’s imminent opening OHOB Group Chair Tom O’Brien (pictured) acknowledge how vital it was to their organisation’s needs ‘this academy is a significant and tangible first step to ensuring OHOB maintains and develops its workforce and the skills they can bring into the industry’ Mr O’Brien continued ‘we are very excited to be developing this capability and feel it is an exceptional opportunity for many young people to join us and develop a career in what is a dynamic and progressive industry sector’.

Download the 2024 Apprenticeship Vison document here

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