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City & Guilds: "Industry meeting" looking at ‘Building Futures’ in Wales

City & Guilds: "Industry meeting" looking at ‘Building Futures’ in Wales

This, free to attend, drop-in event will focus on the Qualification Wales Sector Review (published 8th Feb) and give employers and representative bodies the opportunity to discuss the public consultation with City & Guilds and other employers present.

The Meeting will take place on 7th March 2018  at the City & Guilds offices: The event will begin at 11.00, with teas and coffees available from 10.30 and lunch from 13.00.

City & Guilds Cymru, U7 Cae Gwyrdd, Greenmeadow Springs Business Park, Tongwynlais, Cardiff, CF15 7AB

City & Guilds would also like to take the opportunity to talk to employers about the wider skills landscape, including Apprenticeships Wales, FE Future Skills (regionalisation of skills funding) and sharing insights into the work of the Cross-industry Construction Apprenticeship Task Force (CCATF) and T-Levels in England.

To find out more or register your interest in attending this event please email Ed Shaw at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

To read the Qualification Wales Sector Review in full, click here

Download the 2024 Apprenticeship Vison document here

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